Our Program

Functionally Fit Program

Introducing the Functionally Fit Program and an opportunity to find success and personalize your weight loss journey with us. Shared experiences, finding joy in the process and liberating yourself from the never-ending cycle of losing and gaining the same weight over and over.

Our Shared Goals

Sustainable loss of fat mass. As opposed to just the number on the scale, the goal is to improve body composition and improve health in a sustainable way.

Resetting the body weight set point. We come at this from an understanding that body weight / fat mass is under biological control. The goal is to find what is keeping you at the current state because that is something we can work with.

Enjoying the process. We are in this for the long haul, and you are too. There is nothing worse than the feeling of deprivation and feeling of unfairness that comes with most diet plans. Yes, food is a big part of the process and learning to love the foods that love you back is important

Our Philosophy

Our basic philosophy is to apply the principles of functional medicine to weight management as a means to reset and balance the body weight set point. This is personal and unique to each person but there are often commonalities in our shared experiences when it comes to body fat.

We use the tools we have at our disposal in an integrative way – including pharmaceutical if indicated.

Our Process

  • Weekly group meetings that cover a variety of topics.
  • Balanced food plans to meet your goals.
  • Supplemental supplements to support the body through the process.
  • Medical management when needed.
  • Identifying and breaking down barriers to success.
  • Building a like-minded community to help each other.

Program Steps

Introducing the Functionally Fit Program and an opportunity to find success and personalize your weight loss journey with us. Shared experiences, finding joy in the process and liberating yourself from the never-ending cycle of losing and gaining the same weight over and over.

Month 1

Focus is on gut health and microbiome support for weight management by shifting to whole foods diet.

Discussion topics to include- influence of gut microbiome on weight, influence of food quality on gut bacteria, role of food sensitivities.

Month 2

Focus is on correcting for metabolic dysfunction and resetting the lipostat. Immune modulation and insulin glucose modulation.

Option to consider use of CGM.

Hormone balance discussion and influence of hormones on metabolism.

Month 3

Focus is on detoxification and elimination of obesogens with continued focus on immune modulation.

Focus will be on supporting detoxification and toward the end of the month next steps for maintenance.

Ongoing Monthly Maintenance

  • A maintenance group will form at the end of the 12-week program.
  • Participants can sign up for 3 months of maintenance at start of program or pay as they go monthly.
  • Participants are welcome to repeat the 3-month intensive program and ongoing weekly support.

Program Objectives

5-10% weight reduction over 12-week time frame

Improvement in body composition – reduction in fat mass and increase in muscle mass

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