Cognitive Decline and Neurodegenerative Disorders

We work with you

We work with you on issues relating to cognitive decline – everything from subjective cognitive impairment to mild cognitive impairment to dementia.

Dr Mercuro is trained in the Bredesen Protocol. You can read about this protocol in the book “The End of Alzheimers” by Dr Dale Bredesen MD. The theory in this model of care is that there is not one single cause for cognitive decline but multiple factors and you must address many of them to make an impact on the progression of amyloid plaque.

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Schedule an appointment with Dr. Mercuro today!

We will work with you on helping to identify the possible causes including glucotoxicity (the inflammatory effects of sugar on the brain), atrophy relating to the withdrawal of hormone associated with aging, and the toxic type relating to exposure to heavy metals, chronic infections and mold toxins. If there is history of traumatic brain injury we can work on reducing inflammation from that as well.

Dealing with Cognitive Decline

For problems relating to cognition, we use targeted nutritional strategies, most often the ketogenic diet.  The ketogenic diet is a food plan that alters the macronutrients in the diet to include more fat and less carbohydrate. We look at micronutrient deficiencies (vitamins and minerals) and work to optimize these to support brain function.  We test and optimize hormone levels and evaluate total toxic burden.  

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We encourage lifestyle changes to promote increases in NEUROPLASTICITY –such as exercise, music and brain training. 



Brain Training

These types of interventions work best for prevention and early cognitive changes.