Far Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna utilized ceramic or metallic elements to produce heat.   We choose the Far Infrared Sauna for our patients because of the extensive research available showing specific therapeutic benefits while remaining very safe. The Far Infrared penetrates the most superficially (if at all) and the research shows it to be very safe and therapeutic while providing the best heating of the air around the body. Near and Mid Infrared penetrates more directly and deeper into the tissue and may also have benefits but we will not use this due to the lack of research on safety. 

Far Infrared induces a thermal effect by heating the ambient air around the body.  There is a good body of research on traditional steam and dry heat saunas typically utilized in Scandinavian countries and are often referred to as typically Finnish Sauna.  These saunas utilize radiant heaters and heated rocks onto which water is poured to generate steam. This research pertains to Far Infrared Sauna’s style of heating as well. We will be referring to the research on Far Infrared unless otherwise stated. 

What is the physiological response to sauna therapy?

Sauna therapy and specifically with the use of Infrared sauna has been shown to increase heart rate.  The blood flow in the peripheral tissue (tissue closest to our skin) increases to allow greater heat exchange through the skin.  Our blood pressure (specifically the bottom number or diastolic) will drop and our metabolic rate (the number of calories we burn) increases.  Studies have shown there is an increase in Human Growth Hormones as well as Beta Endorphins.  There is also relaxation of the muscles. 

At a physiological level, sauna has been speculated to decrease inflammation through an increased production in various proteins that are upregulated in response to the thermal effect on the body. 

What are the health benefits of sauna therapy?

The research on sauna therapy is mostly on Infrared Sauna.  In Japan and other countries in Asia, the use of Infrared sauna is called Waon Therapy (which means gentle heat therapy).  The studies for FIR show benefit for the following conditions:

There are studies on benefits to the Respiratory system and the Immune system specifically for traditional sauna and that likely applies to Far Infrared as well. 

The only contraindications to the use of sauna are aortic stenosis, unstable angina, orthostatic hypotension, recent myocardial infarction and pregnancy is a relative contraindication.  Overall the use of Far Infrared Sauna is very safe.

Learn more about Far Infrared Sauna

Detoxification through Sweating

Our skin is our largest organ in our body.  It is also the closest organ to much of our fat tissue where most toxins and toxicants are stored.  The research does show that we release heavy metals and other toxins that are stored in our body through sweat.  It is for this reason you will see that sauna is often used as part of a detoxification protocol. 

What if you do not perspire?

Sometimes people do not break into a sweat the first couple of times in the sauna.  Often this improves with consistent use.  Some people do not perspire even with exercise.  The sauna can benefit even if you do not break into a sweat as you will still detoxify through urine and stool.  Often skin brushing or even lymphatic massage may improve your ability to sweat in the sauna. A warm shower or bath prior to can also help increase likelihood of sweating.

What is the optimal frequency and time to spend in the sauna for the health benefits?

The research on how long we should spend in the sauna varies and as a rule of thumb, the recommendation is to start low and slow.  Fifteen to Thirty minutes seems to be beneficial when done consistently over time for the cardiovascular benefits as well as for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression and autoimmunity.  Some of the studies on the Waon therapy used a protocol of 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 140F / 60C followed by lying down for 30 minutes under a blanket.  A few times a week is a good place to start for sauna use and some of the protocols in the research even suggest benefit with daily use.


Depending on the goal and intention of the Sauna treatment working up to longer sauna sessions may have additional benefit for detoxification.  As always, it is important to listen to your body.  If at any point during a sauna session you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded or sleepy, it is a sign you should discontinue that session immediately. 

Use of the Far Infrared Sauna at Sparkle Health

We chose a three person Sunlighten Infrared Sauna (https://www.sunlighten.com/) for our new sauna room.  To improve your comfort and overall experience, you will also find a full changing room and shower.  Bring a book, listen to music or just relax and meditate.  Book it in conjunction with a massage, message and PEMF or alone.  We offer multi-use packages for the sauna because when used consistently, the research shows there can be more health benefits. 

We also offer group and individual detoxification programs several times per year as part of a personalized wellness plan and our Far Infrared Sauna is a perfect adjunct to those protocols. 


Sauna as a valuable clinical tool for cardiovascular, autoimmune, toxicant- induced and other chronic health problems.

Crinnion WJ.

Altern Med Rev. 2011 Sep;16(3):215-25


Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications.

Vatansever F, Hamblin MR.

Photonics Lasers Med. 2012 Nov 1;4:255-266.


Repeated sauna therapy improves myocardial perfusion in patients with chronically occluded coronary artery-related ischemia.

Sobajima M, Nozawa T, Ihori H, Shida T, Ohori T, Suzuki T, Matsuki A, Yasumura S, Inoue H.

Int J Cardiol. 2013 Jul 15;167(1):237-43.


Effects of Waon therapy on chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study.

Soejima Y, Munemoto T, Masuda A, Uwatoko Y, Miyata M, Tei C.

Intern Med. 2015;54(3):333-8.


Efficacy of Waon therapy for fibromyalgia.

Matsushita K, Masuda A, Tei C.

Intern Med. 2008;47(16):1473-6.


The effects of repeated thermal therapy on quality of life in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

Beever R.

J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jun;16(6):677-81.


Regular thermal therapy may promote insulin sensitivity while boosting expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase–effects comparable to those of exercise training.

McCarty MF, Barroso-Aranda J, Contreras F.

Med Hypotheses. 2009 Jul;73(1):103-5.


Benefits and risks of sauna bathing.

Hannuksela ML, Ellahham S.

Am J Med. 2001 Feb 1;110(2):118-26.


Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence.

Laukkanen JA, Laukkanen T, Kunutsor SK.

Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Aug;93(8):1111-1121.


Passive heat therapy protects against endothelial cell hypoxia-reoxygenation via effects of elevations in temperature and circulating factors.

Brunt VE, Wiedenfeld-Needham K, Comrada LN, Minson CT.

J Physiol. 2018 Oct;596(20):4831-4845.


Could Heat Therapy Be an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases? A Narrative Review.

Hunt AP, Minett GM, Gibson OR, Kerr GK, Stewart IB.

Front Physiol. 2020 Jan 10;10:1556.


Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review.

Sears ME, Kerr KJ, Bray RI.

J Environ Public Health.

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