Nutritional Genomics

Genetic Testing and Nutritional Genomics

We hear a lot about genetics these days, from using it to find out where your ancestors came from to testing for specific diseases. But what genes are, what the study of genetics covers, and how genetics can be used as an impactful health recommendations tool is still somewhat a mystery to most.

Here at Sparkle Health, we’ve discovered the value of knowing your genes, and want to share it with you. Here’s a quick guide to what genetics is and how it can lead you to your optimal health.

The Science

What are Genes?

Genes are bits of code found in our DNA that carry and create our various unique traits. Obvious examples are our eye color or height, but genes can also inform other things like our metabolism, how our cardiovascular system works, or if we might be predisposed to disease. 99.9% of our genes are the same as everyone else’s, but it’s that .1% that make us truly unique — and from where we can gain the most insights into how our bodies function.

What is Genetics?

Genetics is the study of single genes and their role in the way traits or conditions are passed down from one generation to the next.

What are Genetic Variants?

That .1% of our genes that isn’t like everyone else’s is important because its where genetic variants come into play. Genetic variants are simply ‘spelling changes’ in our genetic code that may impact how the gene works. People that have a specific genetic variant may find their cellular or systems functionality impacted in some way, making it different than someone else’s — sometimes for the better!

What is Genomics?

Genomics is the study of all a person’s genes (the genome), including interactions of those genes with each other and with the person’s environment. It is helping researchers discover why some people get sick from certain infections, environmental factors, and behaviors while others do not.

What is Nutritional Genomics?

Nutritional genomics (or nutrigenomics) is the study of nutrition and its relationship with the genome. There is a bidirectional relationship between genes and diet, meaning that:

1) Genetic variation can affect the body’s ability to take in nutrients, use them effectively, and burn energy in an optimal way
2) Nutrients can regulate genes and influence genetic expression to prevent or suppress non-communicable disease like cancer, obesity, diabetes

Why is it Important to Understand my Genes?

A common misconception is that our genes are set for life, and we can’t change them. We can’t change the code, but if we know what genetic variants a person has, and how their genes express themselves in various ways to influence a person’s health, then that person can make food and lifestyle choices that take those genetic variants into account.

How Does it Work?

Once you have set up an appointment to come into the office, you will meet with a Sparkle Health practitioner to collect a cheek swab that we will register and send to the lab for you. We will contact you when your results are available, which normally takes about 4 weeks. At that point you will meet with our functional nutritionist to review your results and receive a personalized, actionable health plan. You will receive recommendations for nutrition, movement, supplements and more based on your own unique genetic makeup.

Why 3x4 Genetics

We chose 3×4 genetics as they have a strong background in science, with their tests based on 20+ years of scientific research and clinical practice. Their team is recognized for their expertise in Nutrigenomics and Functional Medicine.

3×4 tests over 134 genes that can affect metabolism, inflammation, detoxification, fitness, weight, hormones, cognition, and response to diet. They provide a personalized Blueprint Report that uses infographics, explanations and actionable items that are prioritized into the top three suggestions for nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes for each of your most genetically impactful pathways (not specific genes, which many companies do).

3×4 also prioritizes data privacy and their practices, procedures, policies and technology in place to safeguard your privacy and health data.

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