A time for relaxation, preparation & transition!

August is the best time to get outside ~ might as well start in your garden!

Divide perennials like hosta, poppy, lily, ornamental grass, and iris. Carefully loosen and lift plant out of ground and separate into smaller parts using a large garden spade. Replant in other areas or give as gifts to neighbors and friends. Doing this helps larger plants that tend to die in the middle.

Add some fall color if you’re ready! Adding mums are an amazing way to add that pop of color late in the summer. They are nectar-rich, attracting a variety of colorful pollinators including migrating butterflies! You can replace worn out annuals with mums and in most climates mums are a perennial.

As the growing season winds down weeds kick into high gear producing thousands of seeds. This is a good time, if you’ve been putting it off, to attack those weeds and be sure to pull them up by the roots.

Time to bring in any outdoor houseplants that may have been vacationing in the backyard. Add some organic fertilizer to set them up for a healthy winter.

Your herbs are at their peak ~ flavor and oils are most intense in late summer. Time to harvest! You can store herbs for later by cleaning, chopping, and placing them in water filled ice cube trays.

Thoroughly enjoy your time outdoors!

Look For Local Events

So many state and county fairs are held this month. The timing of many are set to coincide with the harvest season. And 4H club members proudly display their fruits and vegetables. Many towns have a weekly Farmer’s Market as well.
Keep an eye out for fairs near you.

Meteor Shower

The Annual Perseid Meteor Shower lights up the night sky this month. The peak days are August 12-13. However, you can see them for a couple of weeks before and after this date. Watch these little bits and pieces of space debris and dust as they enter the earth’s atmosphere and burn up. When you see one make a wish. As the words from a Disney song go “When you wish upon a star your dreams come true”.

Interested in getting fit this fall?

Dr. Elisa Mercuro, DO, Functional Medicine Certified Doctor, & Board Certified in Obesity Medicine.
Guidance & support as you become Functionally Fit.
Our next 12-Week Program Starts Functionally Fit.


Monday, Sept.11th (5:30-6:30pm)
Space is limited so register today!

Check out our website to learn more about our Functionally Fit Program which combines functional medicine with evidence-based weight loss tools.
Call 603-328-8101 or email us to register.

The Slow Burner

Free For Sparkle Members

Just eat less and exercise more and you will maintain a negative calorie balance and you will lose weight. There is just one problem with this math problem… there are several influences that affect calories in and calories out that result in a variable metabolic rate (the number of calories we burn). To a slow burner, the math does not add up. It seems like their metabolism is slower than the people around them. It feels like it takes more effort to get even a little movement on the scale. The fact is, our metabolic rate, the number of calories burned at baseline and with activity, is variable from person to person. So, what can we do to support someone who is a “slow burner” or who seemingly is maintaining a negative calorie balance but just not seeing results?

Zuchini-Dill Vinagrette Recipe

Recipe from Kate Swords, Functional Nutritionist

I like squeezing in nutrients anywhere that I can. Check out this salad dressing that gives a nutrition boost with zucchini! Don’t like zucchini? You can’t even taste it in this simple dressing recipe! Yield: about 1 cup


– ½ cup chopped raw zucchini
– 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
– 3 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
– 1 teaspoon fresh or dried dill
– ½ teaspoon sea salt
– 1 garlic clove (optional)


Place all ingredients in a blender/food processor, blend until smooth & creamy. Store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid & refrigerate. Lasts for up to 10 days.

Chimichurri Recipe

Add big beautiful flavor & nutrients! this recipe is packed with Parsley & Cilantro. Parsley is often labeled as the most powerful disease fighting plant. It’s wide variety of vitamins help with Bone Health, Eyes, may improve Heart Health, contains Cancer-fighting substances, Antioxidants & more! The take-away ~ eat your garnish! Some health benefits of Cilantro may include: Improved Brain Health, Reduced Anxiety, Lower Blood Suger, & protect against foodborne illnesses


– 1 cups fresh cilantro (leaves) (or replace with Parsley)
– 1 1/2 cup fresh parsley (leaves)
– 1/2 onion or shallot
– 1 tablespoon dried oregano
– 3 cloves garlic
– 6 organic green olives
– 3/4 cup olive oil
– 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
– 1 fresh lime (juice)
– 1 – 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes
– 1/2 – 1 teaspoons coarse salt


Chop finely by hand or blend everything in a food processor until finely chopped. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate until ready to use.
Lasts in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

IV Therapy

When might nutritional IV therapy be helpful?
In the setting of gut irritation, increased intestinal permeability, or leaky gut. Sometimes we see that when a person is struggling with healing their leaky gut as a result of food sensitivities or imbalances of the gut bacteria or even medications, there are certain nutrients that are needed to help heal. It can be a circular situation where the nutrients are needed to heal but because of the gut issue those nutrients are unable to adequately be absorbed. It is typically after working with someone for a period of time that we both come to this conclusion and that is when we consider nutritional IV therapy.

We offer Vitamin C, Meyers Cocktail, Iron, & Glutathione.


Special Days In August

Special Days

August 1 Mountain Climbing Day
August 2 National Coloring Book Day
August 3 National Watermelon Day
August 4 U.S. Coast Guard Day
August 5 Campfire Day, Disc Golf Day
August 6 Friendship Day, International Forgiveness Day, Sisters Day
August 7 National Lighthouse Day
August 8 Happiness Happens Day, International Cat Day, Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
August 9 Book Lover’s Day, Smokey Bear Day
August 10 Lazy Day, National S’mores Day
August 11 Son and Daughter Day
August 12  Annual Perseid Meteor Shower (Peak Night date varies slightly), Middle Child’s Day, National Vinyl Record Day, World Elephant Day
August 13 Left Hander’s Day
August 15 Feast of the Assumption, Relaxation Day
August 16 National Roller Coaster Day, National Tell a Joke Day
August 17 National Thrift shop Day, Neighbor Night
August 18 Bad Poetry Day, Serendipity Day
August 19 Aviation Day, National Honey Bee Awareness Day, National Potato Day
August 20 National Radio Day
August 21 National Poets Day, Senior Citizen’s Day
August 22 Be an Angel Day
August 23 Ride the Wind Day  
August 24 Iconic American Restaurants Day, Vesuvius Day
August 25 Kiss and Make Up Day
August 26 National Dog Day, Women’s Equality Day
August 28 Stuffed Green Bell Peppers Day
August 29 International Bat Night, More Herbs, Less Salt Day
August 30 National Beach Day, Toasted Marshmallow Day
August 31 National Eat Outside Day, National Trail Mix Day, World Daffodil Day
August Monthly Celebrations
Admit You’re Happy Month
Family Fun Month
Golf Month
Happiness Happens Month
National Eye Exam Month
Peach Month
Picnic Month
Romance Awareness Month
Water Quality Month

August Weekly Events
International Clown Week – always August 1-7
Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week
Week 2 Week National Smile Week
Week 3 Friendship Week
Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week

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