What are your intentions?
As many of you know we pick up habits and mindsets as we live our lives. Some are very healthy and others may need adjusting. Changing certain habits can seem impossible after so many years. This is because we get comfortable with our discomfort, whether it’s how we communicate with certain people, our view of our bodies, our work ethics, our coping mechanisms, or our belief systems.
Sometimes later in life people give up on New Year’s resolutions, perhaps because they believe they are destine to have a similar year to the last year and the year before. Sometimes the things in life that we can’t control, land us in a place that makes us feel stuck. And it’s hard to come up with positive resolutions when we are overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start.
I take comfort in remembering that we are all works in progress, we aren’t finished, we will move forward and continue to evolve as long as we live. And that is all it takes for me to know that meaningful changes can happen and there is no better time than right now. Different stages of life can bring deep transformation. What if we reframe resolutions as intentions ~ then they represent an ongoing effort rather than success and failure.
Since there are many variables that influence living a good life, there are many areas to focus our good intentions on ~ how we eat, exercise and sleep are a few, but beyond that is how we connect socially. Wellness is a social activity, a shared responsibility, striving for social, not just personal, wellness.
I’ll kick off 2024 with some of my intentions: experience more sunsets with loved ones, feel more goosebumps during deep conversations with friends, smile at “strangers”, host and attend gatherings, seek new fulfilling connections, remember my social connections are my emotional insurance.
By acting on our good intentions we are not just getting older, we are getting better!
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
~ Albert Einstein
Reset For The New Year!
6-Day New Year’s Detox
Led by Kate Swords, Functional Nutritionist
Zoom Meetings @ 6pm
January 9th & January 15th
A Nutritional Cleanse is a great way to start off the new year ~ reset digestion and strengthen the immune system to feel better and increase your defense against illness through the winter.
- Help jumpstart positive habit changes
- Improve chronic symptoms
- Spark weight loss
- Work on reducing your toxic burden
- Support and be supported by like-minded people
Investment: $229
Sparkle Health Members Save 15%
Functionally Fit Program
Dr. Elisa Mercuro, DO, Functional Medicine Certified Doctor, & Board Certified in Obesity Medicine
Our last 12-Week Program filled up fast!
If you are interested in joining the next session call us & we will help you register!
Functionally Fit Program combining functional medicine with evidence-based weight loss tools. Call 603-328-8101 or email us to register.
Spotlight on Self Care
So many ways to care for yourself!
Gina Toce, LMT
But honestly, I believe that January is the perfect time for self care. We have spent so much time over the last year, and specifically the last month, focusing on everyone else, it is time to focus on YOU.
For the last 10 years or so, it has also been the time of year that I get “back to me”. I won’t call them resolutions, because I was never really good at keeping those resolutions. But I can “get back to me”. I do the things that help me be a better me. In addition to curling up with a good book, I will also try out new recipes, start some new extractions for Christmas presents next year, plan my organic summer garden and usually give a deep clean to something in my home.
But my favorite thing to do is self care. And as you can imagine, massage is at the top of that list. A full body, relaxing massage really does help my body wind down and relax. The long rhythmic strokes that are characteristic of the Swedish massage are mesmerizing to me – probably most of the reason why I find it so relaxing.
Some of the reported benefits of a Swedish Massage are:
- Help with lower back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain
- Help treat fibromyalgia
- Help treat headaches
- Help reduce anxiety
- May lower blood pressure
- May improve sleep quality
- May treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- May treat symptoms depression
- May improve circulation
Here at Sparkle, each session is customized to the patient. We include add-ons at no charge such as Cupping and/or Himalayan Hot Stones. Hot Stones are my favorite to add to my Swedish massage-particularly in these cold months. They just add so much to the experience!
Benefits of adding Himalayan Salt Stones to your Swedish Massage are:
- Alkalizes the skin
- Replenishes and nourishes your skin and body with 84 minerals
- Lightly exfoliates the skin
- Is highly relaxing
- Balances and neutralizes the ill effects of the toxic frequencies we live with every day
- Is good for you and the earth (features low energy use, no water, and no chemicals)

Gina Toce, LMT, NH#7888, Reiki Master, Certified IET® Master Instructor, and Massage Therapist at Sparkle Health.
Reminder: all Massages at Sparkle Health include a 15-minute session in our Infrared Sauna. Come in and warm up @ Sparkle Health, contact us at 603-328-8101 to book.