Topics of the Month

Launch of Sparkle Health Member Group- A New Private Facebook Group!

I have started a new private Facebook group for our members.  I recognize that many people use Facebook to share ideas and brainstorm surrounding health.  I sometimes see patients struggling with similar issues and I often wish that I could connect them in some way to share what is working or not working to build community and help each other.   For now, I thought we would start with a general group, but if there is interest in a topic-focused group such as autoimmunity, mold exposure, keto weight loss, etc…. I would be open to that.  If you would like to join the newly formed private group, simply search it and request to join.  This is open to Sparkle Health Members and I named it “Sparkle Health Member Group”.

Cranial Osteopathy

Check out the blog on osteopathic treatment.  As many of you know I have been attending courses to improve my cranial osteopathic skills.  I do think this type of treatment works well in helping the body’s own healing mechanisms activate.  Believe it or not the bones of the skull move and those bones house openings to allow nerves through that directly affect the entire body-  particularly the VAGUS Nerve – cranial nerve X-  which can affect all the functional medicine system imbalances- the gut, immune system, hormones, detox, the vascular system—the list goes on.  If you haven’t had a treatment yet, please feel free to schedule one. 

Lyme Disease

It is early spring and this time of year we are getting our yards clean of leafy debris and branches and maybe enjoying some warmer weather.  First, prevent the tick bite-  cover up your legs, use a natural tick spray.  The one I use for my family is called YaYa Tick Ban and we find it helpful.  Essential oils – particularly geranium may also be helpful.  Remove the clothes you were wearing for the yard work and put them in the dryer for 10 minutes to kill any ticks that may have latched on- or put them directly to wash.  Shower off if possible or at the very least perform a tick check. 

If you get bit by a tick, know that Borrelia Burgdorferi – the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease is very common in our state.  I will have no problem offering to you a preventative treatment of antibiotics (herbal or pharmaceutical).  Please contact the office if this occurs.  We, of course, will recommend proper probiotics to protect the gut lining.  I love The University of Massachusetts’ program for checking the tick –  go to and there you can purchase a test for $50 to determine if the tick that bit you carries pathogens that cause Lyme Disease.  You simply mail in the tick following the instructions and you get back a report within a few days.  I know it is disgusting- but save the tick as this simple relatively inexpensive test can help determine how long we should treat you if bitten!  There is testing for YOU too- and this can be a bit more complex but when needed I use a variety of labs to determine if Lyme Disease or a co-infection is a concern for you. 


Spring is in the air-  literally.  For those of you suffering from spring allergies, I find Quercetin to be very helpful – this is an antioxidant and phytonutrient that comes from onions and apple skin.  It stabilizes the mast cells in our body-  the cells that release histamine.  Histamine is the chemical in our body that makes our eyes itch and makes us sneeze and our nose run.   This natural agent works best when you start taking it NOW-  at the very start of the allergy season.  For suggestions on brands and dosing please contact me and I can make a recommendation.  Vitamin C can also be quite helpful for springtime allergies. 

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