Massage - Post Labor day

There is something about the Long Labor Day weekend that signals the end of Summer and beginning of Fall for me. It also signals to me that it is time for me to get back to my “typical” self care. Massage is definitely on the list for me.

Yes, I need massages too! Is that a surprise? I have a few different massage therapists that I see, some that specialize in relaxation and some that can work out any of the deeper aches/pains that my body seems to collect. Because of what I do for a living, I see them regularly. I have to, actually. The physical demands of my profession almost demands it. My posture would be terrible without regular body work. Think about it, I spend most of my days kinda hunched over, not the best for my neck and spine. Sure, I have some self care tools at home that I use every day, (yup…everyday). But some days, that just isn’t enough. If I am not in any pain (that’s my goal!). I am definitely still getting a relaxing Swedish massage at least once a month.

Now stop and think about your daily routine. Specifically, think about what you do that might be considered a repetitive action.
● How often/long are you on a computer each day?
● What about your cell phone, how often do you grab for that little micro computer that is, for some, a lifeline?
● During the day, does anything feel tight? Give you pain? Restrict your normal motion in some way?

These physical stressors that your body deals with every day can affect your posture and your gait. When that happens, you can see/feel your body change. It can feel like inflammation. It can feel like pain. It can feel like tightness. Maybe those grocery bags feel a little heavier than usual and you are having trouble lifting them. It could be a headache and/or migraine. Have you noticed that you are having trouble turning your head from left to right? Harder to move from a sitting position to standing? Everyone feels it differently.

Have you ever sat with a bodywork professional and had them do a full gait analysis for you? It will most likely surprise you. Even if you think that your job is not demanding because you “just have a desk job”, trust me, your posture can be negatively impacted with “just a desk job”. In fact, most of the people that come to see me are here because their “desk job” is causing them pain in their neck, shoulders and upper back.

Every massage session includes a free gait assessment at Sparkle, especially if something is causing you pain or restricting your normal range of motion. Also included with every massage is a session on our PEMF mat and a 15 minute post massage sauna. Both of these treatments are part of my self care as well, they really do help with reducing some of the stress and pain that I often feel.

And as for massage? 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes, your choice, every session is customized to your needs.

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