Massage Therapy - Neuromuscular Technique

Most people know that Massage Therapy is known to help the body relax. But not all massage is created equally. Many massage therapy techniques focus on your muscles and in turn, the technique will increase circulation. A great thing, right?

But something you may not know…some techniques focus specifically on your nervous system! There are many, actually. Here at Sparkle, we offer a Neuromuscular technique – and yes, this is considered a massage technique.

The Neuromuscular technique was originated in the 1930’s by Stanley Lief (a chiropractor) and Boris Chaitow and then further developed into a sequence of strokes by Leon Chaitow (an Osteopathic doctor). These doctors developed this technique with the intention to improve your posture and to make Chiropractic and Osteopathic adjustments easier and longer lasting. What they also discovered while developing this technique is that it helped to balance your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. I like to explain it as it helps to “smooth out the edges” in your nervous system and reduce anxiety. With a very light touch, this technique works primarily on your abdomen, back of your torso, glutes and the IT band. With the specific strokes, we access key points in your body that will reflexively affect your entire body, including your organs and glands. The result is a very relaxing session in which most people leave with a “euphoric” feeling and any anxiety has melted away. Every patient I have worked with using this technique loves it. Come try it out, feeling it for yourself is believing.

This technique is offered at Sparkle Health and typically takes 60 minutes. This will allow me to also address a “tight” issue (like shoulders) that you may also have in your body. Having a session paired with both the PEMF mat and the Infrared sauna creates a very relaxing atmosphere for you.

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