Creating balance & gathering light this month!

This month we honor balance as the Vernal Equinox marks the first full day of spring on March 19th. It is a day that holds the same amount of daylight as it does darkness.

Here are some things to enjoy about that day:

  • The rays of the sun are perpendicular to our equator, the Earth’s tilt is neither away nor towards the sun
  • The Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the Autumnal Equinox
  • Equinox means equal, specifically 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night
  • You can use your shadow on this date to tell time
  • The days surrounding the equinox, when the sun is directly overhead, there won’t be a shadow at exactly noon
  • Our ancestors really knew a thing or two about the sun, with the invention of the sun dial
  • We’re gaining the most daylight in the year with an additional 2 minutes and 12 seconds a day
  • The Vernal Equinox determines the date of Easter, it is celebrated the Sunday after the first full moon that occurs after the Vernal Equinox
  • The next time the sun’s rays are directly over the equator, is on the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. This year, it falls on September 22nd

“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.”

~ Walt Whitman

Can I Feel Better with Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis and the “Metabolome”

Improving the health of your joints

We understand that osteoarthritis involves the degradation of the cartilage of the joint involved. There is inflammation in the fluid of the joint (called the synovial fluid). Eventually this inflammation causes the bones to start to remodel too, the surface of the bone starts to become irregular and sometimes even bony projections called osteophytes develop in areas where the bone surface has been damaged. This process can happen in the knees or the joints of the fingers or the spine, really any joint where two or more bones come together. It is estimated that 30-50% of people in the US > 65 years of age suffer from symptoms of osteoarthritis. We know age is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis but that is only part of the picture. Why does this happen? Common thinking says . . .

March 20th
Food demo & recipes for healthier Easter desserts that everyone will enjoy!

March 27th
Discussion on how certain lifestyle choices can help protect the brain, improve its function, and prevent memory loss.

What About My Lymphatic System?

Note From Gina Toce, LMT, NH#7888, Reiki Master, Certified IET® Master Instructor, CLT

Reminder, I am a Certified Lymphedema Therapist. Our Lymphatic system is a critical piece of our immune system. When our lymphatic system is sluggish, or compromised, the body will often experience edema (or swelling). With a lymphatic massage or a manual lymphatic drainage session, the goal is to help your body restore normal lymphatic function and reduce any swelling/edema that may be present. Call 603-328-8101 to schedule an appointment.

Daily Metabolism Boost Recipe!

Metabolism Boost Daily Drink

This recipe is PACKED with ingredients that are not only known to help boost your metabolism, but also improve energy levels, decrease bloating, and boost your immune system. It has it all! Here are the 5 must-have ingredients in this metabolism booster:


  • 1 piece ginger (4-inch piece), more if desired
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • pinch chili flakes to taste
  • plus one – 5 cups filtered water

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C, aids digestion, and is packed with . . .

Special Days In March

Mark Your Calendars

March 1 Zero Discrimination Day, World Civil Defense Day, Self-Injury Awareness Day, World Music Therapy Day
March 3 World Teen Mental Wellness Day, World Wildlife Day, World Hearing Day
March 4 National Safety Day, Employee Appreciation Day, National Sons Day
March 8 International Women’s Day
March 9 No Smoking Day
March 10 Daylight Savings
March 14 World Kidney Day, Pi Day, International Day of Action for Rivers
March 15 World Sleep Day
March 16 National Quilting Day
March 17 St. Patrick’s Day
March 18 Global Recycling Day
March 19 National Let’s Laugh Day, Spring Equinox
March 20 World Sparrow Day, World Oral Health Day
March 21 World Forestry Day, World Down Syndrome Day, World Poetry Day, National Healthy Fats Day, National Memory Day
March 22 World Water Day, American Red Cross Giving Day
March 23 World Meteorological Day
March 24 World Tuberculosis Day, Palm Sunday
March 26 Purple Day for EpilepsyAwareness Day, National Spinach Day
March 27 World Theatre Day
March 29 Good Friday, National Vietnam War Veterans Day, World Piano Day
March 30 National Doctors’ Day, Take a Walk in the Park Day, World Bipolar Day
March 31 Easter, International Transgender Day of Visibility, National Farm Workers Day


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