What to Expect During a Metabolic Detox

Who Should Consider a Metabolic Detox?

You may want to consider a metabolic detoxification if you have a case of the “ugghhh”.  If you feel tired and achy and just as one of my patient’s put it just “ugghhh” you may want to consider a metabolic detoxification.  It is about improving the function and efficiency of all the cells of your body, but especially the liver. 

What is a Metabolic Detox?

Metabolic detoxification refers to our body’s ability to package up harmful substances in our biological system and eliminate them. Examples of toxicants that we may be exposed to from the environment include pesticides, herbicides, food additives, plastics, heavy metals and cigarette smoke.  I also feel that the Standard American Diet which often has high sugar, high calorie foods that are nutrient poor also contributes to the total toxic burden.

Symptoms can occur when our system is overwhelmed by the toxic load.  Genetically, some people are better detoxifiers than others.  There is also variation in environmental exposures throughout a lifetime.  Where you grew up, the food you eat, the products you use in the home and personal products used are all factors that contribute to the total body toxic burden.  Additionally, metabolic detoxification is biologically expensive.  We “use up” certain vitamins and minerals in the process and how good we are at getting those nutrients into our body influences elimination capability.  Think of this like an equation:

Total Body Toxic Burden =   Toxin Exposure   –  Toxin Elimination

What Are the Signs Your Body Needs to Detox?

Common signs and symptoms our detoxification system needs support include fatigue, anxiety, general muscle and joint achiness, decreased concentration and headaches.   A high toxic burden is also felt to be associated with many of the chronic diseases we are afflicted with today such as cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and even obesity 

Our body can eliminate toxic chemicals.  Our liver takes these incoming toxins found in our food and environment and neutralizes them through a series of biochemical reactions.  When the total toxic load exceeds the liver’s capability to neutralize and eliminate these chemicals a buildup can occur.  The liver needs vitamins and antioxidants to execute this process.  A diet that is nutrient poor and high in chemicals can lead to an imbalance of the detoxification system.

How Can You Help Your Body Detox?

The first step in metabolic detoxification is to limit the incoming exposure while supporting the liver’s ability to eliminate any chemicals that have built up over time.

You can reduce your exposure to toxins by:

You can help your body eliminate toxins by:

How Should You Feel During a Detox?

Consistency with a clean lifestyle overtime will help reduce the total body toxic burden. It is also good periodically to “clean house” so to speak and spend time working on giving your body what it needs for efficient detoxification and reduce incoming toxins at the same time. It is important to know that you should not feel poorly during concentrated detoxification efforts. If you do, that is a signal that you are releasing toxins faster than your body’s current ability to eliminate them. For this reason, it is wise to be monitored medically while undergoing metabolic detoxification.

How Often Should You Detox?

I like to undergo metabolic detoxification at least once a year, sometimes twice a year.  For that timeframe (anywhere from 6 to 28 days) I try to practice all of these behaviors and use targeted supplements that support my body’s ability to reduce the toxic burden.   It would be nice if I could sustain these things all the time but that is not often the reality of daily life.  I do feel though that my everyday behaviors improve after each metabolic detox. 

How Should You Feel After a Metabolic Detoxification?

For me, it is different every time.  I always feel better than before as do most patients in my experience and I always learn something new about my body at that given time.  Part of the process is self-exploration and learning what is good and not so good for your body.  It is also a time where new habits can be set.  It can often trigger and jump start new thought processes and healthy behaviors that are long lasting. 

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