September has a way of bringing out the homebodies in us. Time to settle, regroup, prepare, and gather together. Slip into cozy sweaters, light some candles, and make some hardy soups. September means different things to different people so embrace the special way you feel at this time of year. Whether you are preparing for a new school year, getting ready to spend more time at work or indoors, or feeling the urge to redecorate, find all the ways to enjoy these moments. Crisp air, colorful surroundings, dancing leaves, apple picking . . . let it all awaken your soul.


Fall into Beautiful Weather!
Ideas for Staying Active ~ Mind & Body

Kids Love Crafts ~ Create a fall sensory bin (dry corn, seeds, leaves, rocks, little toy trucks/animals) make some scented homemade play dough (apple, cinnamon, or pumpkin), using toothpicks and fruits build 3D structures, decorate pumpkins (using paint, glitter, and paper scraps).

Explore Outdoors ~ Take some selfies by the water (try to capture reflections), go for a bike ride (find a new bike trail), take family portraits in an orchard (then apple pick), find your pumpkins in a patch, leaf hunt hikes (find all the colors), use those leaves to do some leaf rubbings, find some perfect pine cones and drip with cinnamon essentials oils for a wonderful center piece, use a large pinecone to make a peanut butter and seeds bird feeder, build a fort with logs and sticks, make your own scarecrow out of old clothes (crumple some old mail for stuffing or use leaves).

Weekend Activities ~ Go on a haunted hayride (or a friendly one), try a corn maze (try it several different times taking different paths), visit local farm stand (many have activities, food samples or cider & shopping for fresh veggies is always fun), go to a local football game, host a cookout or picnic at a local park (bring corn hole or ladder ball), find a fair, carnival or festival, go camping, or stay home and build an obstacle course in the back yard, spend the day jumping in piles of leaves, sitting around a campfire, prep your garden for winter.

The Little Things ~ Pay for someones coffee in the drive-thru behind you, bake healthy cookies and deliver to someone who needs a pick-me-up, rake an elderly neighbors leaves, volunteer at a soup kitchen, purchase schools supplies for a child in need, donate food, toys, blankets at an animal shelter.

Inside Things ~ Cooking (make a new chili, soup, or garlic sourdough bread), have a family game night, bob for apples, create a fall scavenger hunt, snuggle up in a cozy blanket for story time.

Upcoming Events

sparkle events

10 Day Guided Metabolic Detox
Led by Kate Swords, Functional Nutritionist
Date: Kick-Off, Mon. Sept. 26, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM 
Cost: $199 (Meetings On Zoom)
(Sparkle Health Members Save 15%)

Fall is a time of change – a natural transition between the hot humid summer and cold wet winter. Just as the trees shed their leaves, a fall detox can help us shed the toxins (and treats) we have accumulated over the summer. It can also be a great way to re-set digestion and strengthen the immune system to better defend against illness this winter.

Two 60-minute Zoom meetings 
Mon. 09/26/2022 & Wed. 10/05/2022 at 6pm

Included: 10-day Detox kit, instruction, food plan, daily emails, group support

Why consider our detox?
● Help jumpstart habit change
● An opportunity to improve chronic symptoms
● Spark weight loss
● Work on reducing your toxic burden
● Support and be supported by like-minded people

Read a great article about detox.

Note from Gina Toce, LMT, NH#7888, Reiki Master, Certified IET® Master Instructor, and now CLT

In June 2022, I became a Certified Lymphedema Therapist. Our Lymphatic system is a critical piece of our immune system. When our lymphatic system is sluggish, or compromised, the body will often experience edema (or swelling). With a lymphatic massage or a manual lymphatic drainage session, the goal is to help your body restore normal lymphatic function and reduce any swelling/edema that may be present. Call 603-328-8101 to schedule an appointment.

Special Days In September

September 2, National Food Bank Day, World Coconut Day
September 3, National Doodle Day. National Hummingbird Day
September 4, National Macadamia Nut Day, National Wildlife Day
September 5, Labor Day, International Day of Charity
September 6, National Read a Book Day
September 7, Buy a Book Day, National Acorn Squash Day
September 8, International Literacy Day
September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day
September 11, Grandparents’ Day, Patriot Day
September 12, National Day of Encouragement
September 13, National Celiac Disease Awareness Day
September 14, National Coloring Day
September 15, National Online Learning Day, World Lymphoma Awareness Day
September 16, National POW/MIA Recognition Day
September 17, International Country Music Day, National Dance Day
September 18, Locate an Old Friend Day
September 20, National Voter Registration Day
September 21, International Day of Peace, World Gratitude Day, World Alzheimer’s Day
September 22, Fall Equinox
September 23, Native American Day, International Day of Sign Languages
September 25, National Cooking Day, National Good Neighbor Day
National Daughters Day, Rosh Hashanah (begins at sunset)
September 26, Love Note Day, National Family Day, Navratri Begins (through October 5)
September 27, Ancestor Appreciation Day, Rosh Hashanah (ends at sunset)
September 28, National Sons Day
September 29, World Heart Day
September 30, National Hot Mulled Cider Day

September Monthly Observances

Baby Safety Month, Blood Cancer Awareness Month, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, National Self-Care Awareness Month, National Yoga Awareness Month, National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month, Prostate Health Month, Self-Improvement Month

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