August 12, 2021

How to Stay Healthy Sitting at a Computer All Day

Many of us do not have active jobs which can take a toll on our bodies. Sitting for hours on end can induce mental and physical strain. Here are some tips to help.
January 4, 2021

Creating Togetherness

If you are not able to travel or be with your loved ones this winter, here are some ideas on how to stay in touch, share experiences, and show love.
December 10, 2020

Herbs for a Healthy Winter

As winter is quickly approaching, so are the health challenges that come with it. There are many great herbs that we can use during this time of year to support our health.
April 23, 2020

Why is Self-Care Important?

Why is Self-Care Important? Taking care of your mind and body can do wonders to improve your health. Taking time out of your day to treat […]